Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I had my "fit for duty" physical on Friday. Everything went pretty well. I am apparently not color blind, my hearing is at a supersonic level, and my left eye refuses to read letters past line 3 on the eye chart.
Hopefully since I do not plan to be operating a 180 ton crane with 100' boom, this will not be an issue. Did a bunch of 80lb. dead lifts to prove I am not a wuss and passed that test. Passed a pee test, turned and coughed, then I was done. My start date is now Wednesday, May 2nd and we will plan the travel arrangements at that point. Finishing up my last week at AGI this week, sad to leave a great group to work with, but looking forward to a fun weekend with Beth before I start the new job.
Thinking about possibly going to see the Dirty Guvnahs in Chattanooga at Track29 on Friday, April 27, and stay at the Choo Choo Motel in a deluxe traincar room. We'll see, stay tuned.

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